Nothing better on a humpday then some music to ease your anxieties. I can't say I'm a reggae/dub connoisseur of any kind but I put on some tracks that I've always liked.
I guess it was pretty much inevitable. I'm hoping to put one Rappy Rap mix up a week. I'm open to requests and always open to submissions. Heres a list of the preferred play order I also suggest to set your itunes crossfade playback at around 6 seconds (its in preference under playback).
Jetson like Elroy. I always wondered why their apartment complexes were on stilts...some speculate its actually because the world was flooded and polluted so the people of tomorrow with their production of cogs and sprockets had to live in the sky. Laputa or something like it. Oh right..the music. Raymond Scott, genius beyond genius so I give you a selection of several notable tracks in order to illuminate his career as a soundmaker defining the soundscape that would signify the reality of the world of tomorrow. Early tracks like Powerhouse or War Dance for Wooden Indians are from his Big Band days many of his songs were featured in cartoons like Tom & Jerry. As a citizen of industry he helped design the sounds to which brands & corporations built their images upon. Whether a clever jingle for Sprite, Twinkies, NesCafe, Baltimore Gas & Electric or CBS News, these electronic tones and blips are now cemented in the aural lexicon. His later works which I find the most interesting "Soothing Sounds for a Baby" focus on a series of compositions developed to sooth and stimulate the baby based on their aural cognitive development; as the child grows and develops so do the soundscapes...(*my favorite "Sleepy Time" is included*)Jane...get me off this crazy thing...
replaces x's with t's hxxp://
I was told recently that you should never actually admit to playing D&D on your college entrance exam..Today I share with you a great swedish prog rock album by Bo Hansson. This album titled "Sagan Om Ringen" (*for those of you who dont speak swedish...Lord of the Ring) is an album inspired by a book of the same name. Additionally, many of you rap nerds will recognize a few samples from this. So enjoy these LARPing tunes.
Live your day as Patrick Bateman with the Ultimate collection of songs to kill by. Theres nothing like returning some tapes, dropping off some linens at the dry cleaners, stuffing kittens into ATMs or picking up prostitutes in the meatpacking district while listening to Simply Red. I feel my mask of sanity is about to slip.
change the x's to t's hxxp://